Profile photo of Kristiaan Neyts
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126, iGent
9052 Zwijnaarde

Kristiaan Neyts is full professor at Ghent University, in the ELIS department, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and is heading the Liquid Crystals and Photonics Group.


He received a degree in physics engineering in 1987, a doctoral degree in engineering in 1992 and became professor in the ELIS department in 2000 after post-docs in Ghent and Berkeley. He is co-author of over 200 papers in the Web of Science core collection. The Liquid Crystals and Photonics Group (LCP) has now 5 professors, 2 post-docs, 14 PhD students and 6 master thesis students. The group is involved in UGent (IOF, BOF), national (FWO, IWT, IAP), European and bilateral sponsored projects. The LCP group is one of 7 research groups that have joined in the UGent sponsored Multi-disciplinary Research Network called Center for Nano- and Bio-Photonics

Kristiaan Neyts chaired or co-chaired several conferences organized in Ghent: the EL2002 (Electroluminescence); the LCP2006 International Workshop on Liquid Crystals for Photonics (next LCP in Lubljana in 2016); the ELOPTO Symposium in September 2012; the SID-ME chapter meeting in April 2013; the ELKIN conference in May 2014 and the SID-EURODISPLAY conference in September 2015.
